Open Letter: Egypt Support for Those Fleeing Violence in Sudan
Letter to His Excellency Sameh Hassan Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, and Her Excellency Dr. Hanan Hamdan, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Egypt Representative
Subject: Egypt Support for Those Fleeing Violence in Sudan
Dear Mr. Shoukry and Dr. Hamdan,
The clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces that began in Sudan on 15 April 2023 are causing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis on the Egypt-Sudan border. Hundreds have lost their lives in Sudan, many remain at risk, and thousands have fled and are seeking refuge in Egypt.
To address the plight of Sudanese refugees at the border, we, the undersigned, call on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Egypt and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt to ensure those fleeing violence in Sudan can exercise their rights under international law to seek and enjoy refuge in Egypt.
As a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention, the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, and the 1969 Organisation of African Unity Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, Egypt must ensure that those displaced from Sudan have the right to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution and not to be returned to a country where they would be in probable danger of persecution. We acknowledge the tremendous efforts of the Egyptian government to respond to the fluid situation at its border and support those fleeing violence in Sudan. As the crisis intensifies, the need for urgent action increases. Ensuring the needs of those in the border zone are met is of paramount importance.
We, the undersigned, urge UNHCR Egypt and the Egyptian government to take the following actions immediately:
Issue a public directive to allow Sudanese people displaced by conflict to seek asylum at the Egyptian border, in line with the 1951 Convention, the 1967 Protocol, and other bilateral treaties. Ensure this directive is unambiguous, uniformly implemented, and disseminated in a clear and accessible way to arriving asylum seekers so that they know and can exercise their rights.
Waive entry requirements for Sudanese and non-Sudanese nationals fleeing the conflict in Sudan, including the visa requirement for Sudanese men ages 16 to 49 and the requirement to carry a valid Sudanese passport.
Expedite exceptional procedures to allow entry for those with temporary travel documents issued by Sudanese border authorities.
Allow those with non-Sudanese passports, including those with Sudan- and UNHCR-issued refugee documents, to seek asylum in Egypt.
Establish welcome centers at the Argeen Land Border Port and the Wadi Halfa Land Border Port to provide asylum seekers with food, water, shelter, emergency healthcare, and sanitation and hygiene facilities.
Implement emergency financial aid and social services programs for all arriving asylum seekers.
Collaborate with nongovernmental organizations with relevant capacity and resources to ensure needed interventions are introduced as soon as possible, matching the urgency of the humanitarian need.
We cannot abandon those fleeing violence in Sudan. It is time to act in a coordinated way to provide the needed support and supplies to those seeking asylum in Egypt, in line with the nation’s commitments under international law and our moral obligations as citizens and neighbors to the Sudanese people.
رسالة إلى السيد سامح شكري، وزير خارجية جمهورية مصر العربية ، والدكتورة حنان حمدان، ممثل المفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين في مصر
الموضوع: طلب دعم جمهورية مصر لمساعدة الفارين من العنف في السودان
السيد شكري و السيدة حمدان
تسببت الاشتباكات بين القوات المسلحة السودانية وقوات الدعم السريع التي بدأت في السودان في 15 أبريل 2023 في أزمة إنسانية غير مسبوقة على الحدود المصرية السودانية. فقد المئات حياتهم في السودان، ولا يزال الكثيرون في خطر، وفر الآلاف يلجأون إلى مصر.
لمعالجة محنة اللاجئين السودانيين على الحدود ندعو نحن الموقعون أدناه مفوض الأمم المتحدة السامي لشؤون اللاجئين في مصر ووزارة خارجية مصر إلى ضمان تمكن الفارين من العنف في السودان من ممارسة حقوقهم في طلب اللجوء والتمتع به في مصر و ذلك بموجب القوانين و المواثيق الدولية
باعتبار أن جمهورية مصر من الدول الموقعة على اتفاقية اللاجئين لعام 1951، وبروتوكول عام 1967 المتعلق بأوضاع اللاجئين، واتفاقية منظمة الوحدة الأفريقية لعام 1969 الخاصة بمشاكل اللاجئين في أفريقيا. و عليه يجب على مصر أن تضمن أن للنازحين من السودان الحق في طلب اللجوء وعدم عودتهم إلى بلد يتعرضون فيها إلى الخطر.
نحن على علم بالجهود الهائلة التي تبذلها الحكومة المصرية الاستجابة للوضع الذي يتسم بالسيولة على حدودها و تقديم الدعم للفارين من العنف في السودان ومع اشتداد الأزمة، تزداد الحاجة إلى اتخاذ إجراءات عاجلة إن ضمان تلبية احتياجاتهم في المنطقة الحدودية أمر بالغ الأهمية.
نحن الموقعون أدناه، نطالب مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين في مصر والحكومة المصرية على اتخاذ الإجراءات التالية على الفور:
إصدار توجيهات عامة للسماح للسودانيين النازحين بسبب النزاع بطلب اللجوء على الحدود المصرية، بما يتماشى مع اتفاقية عام 1951 وبروتوكول عام 1967 والمعاهدات الثنائية الأخرى، و التأكد من أن هذه التوجيهات واضحة ولا لبس فيه، وعلى أن يتم تنفيذها بشكل موحد، ونشرها بطريقة واضحة ومعلومة لدى الجميع حتى يتمكن طالبي اللجوء من التعرف على حقوقهم وممارستها
إزالة جميع الشروط المتعلقة بدخول المواطنين السودانيين وغير السودانيين الفارين من النزاع في السودان، بما في ذلك شرط التأشيرة للرجال السودانيين الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 16 و49 عاما وشرط حمل جواز سفر سوداني ساري المفعول.
تسريع الإجراءات الاستثنائية الخاصة بالسماح بدخول حملة وثائق السفر المؤقتة الصادرة من السلطات السودانية.
السماح لحاملي جوازات السفر غير
السودانية، بما في ذلك الذين يحملون وثائق اللاجئين الصادرة عن السودان ومفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين، بطلب اللجوء في مصر.
إنشاء مراكز ترحيب في ميناء ارقين
الحدود ميناء وادي حلفا الحدودي البري لتوفير الغذاء و الماء و الخدمات الصحية الطارئة لي لطالبي اللجوء
تنفيذ برامج المساعدات المالية والخدمات الاجتماعية الطارئة لجميع طالبي اللجوء الوافدين.
التعاون مع المنظمات غير الحكومية ذات القدرات والموارد ذات الصلة لضمان التدخل اللازم بما يتماشى مع الاحتياجات الإنسانية المطلوبة في أقرب وقت ممكن
لا يمكننا التخلي عن الفارين من العنف في السودان. لقد حان الوقت للعمل بطريقة منسقة لتوفير الدعم الذين يلتمسون اللجوء في مصر، بما يتماشى مع التزامات الدول بموجب القانون الدولي والتزاماته الأخلاقية كمواطنين وجيران للشعب السوداني.م
As of 13 May 15:00 BST - 300+ Signatories
Abdelaziz Yakub, Editor in Chief, Al Hamish Sudan
Wafaa Salim, Chair, University of Khartoum Alumni Association in the UK and Ireland
Gasim Amin Oshi, Representative of Baitalmaal Resistance Committee
Selma Taha, Executive Director, Southall Black Sisters UK
Emma Stevenson, Deputy Chief Executive, Choose Love INGO
Suldaan Said Ahmed, Helsinki City Councillor. Former MP 🇫🇮 & Special Representative of the MFA, Parliament of Finland
Magdi Ghali, Australian Coptic Sudanese Welfare Association of Victoria
Ebaa ElMelik, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Media for Justice in Sudan
Nafisa Bakkar, CEO of Amaliah
Aliyah Hasinah, Director, Black Curatorial
Elizabeth Dykstra McCarthy, World Bank
Niema Hassan Taha Alhessen, Architect, Sudan Urban Development Think Tank SUDTT
Salah Gadelseed, Activist, Sudanese Anti-War Alliance
Spring Magazine, Activist and Solidarity Media, Spring Socialist Network
Nawar Elkhalifa, Lead Program Manager, UEFA
Hafsa Halawa, Independent Consultant and Advocate, Middle East Institute
Majdi Osman, Doctor, Nubia Health Center, Wadi Halfa; University of Cambridge
Khalid Albaih, Sudanese Artist
Dallia M. Abdelmoniem, Sudanese Political Commentator
Alexander Ockenden, SOS Humanity
Lugain Mahmoud, Senior Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Manager, International Rescue Committee
Ola Dian, Journalist, Marhaba Information Guide (Qatar)
Majid Abaas, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Sudan
Nahla Khiery, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF
Lucy Nabijou, Coordinator at Haringey Welcome
Kylie Thomas, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Netherlands
Reem Awad, Investigations Analyst at Protection Group International
Paul McGlinchey, Policy Advisor at British Liver Trust
Gabriela Gomez, Director of Counseling Services, Head & Hands
Reem Shawkat, Sudanese PhD Student, Project Taghyir
Sara Saleh, Human Rights Lawyer and Writer
Diana Sayed, Human Rights Lawyer
Roxanne Moore, Noongar Human Rights Lawyer and Activist
Marcelle Messaouda Partouche, Activist, Advocate, and Researcher McGill/ENAP
Nisrin Elamin, Professor of African Studies and Anthropology, University of Toronto
Salma El-Wardany, Broadcaster
Mahdi Mohamed, Tech Executive
Mat Nashed, Independent Journalist
Elena Habersky, Migration Researcher
Dhaksh Sooriyakumaran, Academic and Activist
Gwendolyn Schulman, Broadcaster, Amandla! radio
Lindsay M. Montgomery, Professor, University of Toronto
George Dei, Professor, OISE, University of Toronto
Jesook Song, Professor, University of Toronto
Janelle Taylor, Professor, University of Toronto
Rosalind O'Shaughnessy, Emergency Medicine Doctor at NHS, UK
Faisal Mohammed Salih Basama, Retired Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Ibtihalat Abdelmagid Mohamed, Paediatric Cardiologist
Maryam Elarbi, Activist, Social Impact Consultant
Aseel Salih, Public Health Activist
Douglas Miller, Broadcaster, Amandla! Radio - CKUT 90.3FM Montreal
Feroz Mehdi, Activist, Alternatives International
Yassmin Abdel-Magied, Sudanese Writer and Activist
Safa Elfadil Abdullah, Movement
Meriam Gebremichael, Community Support Worker, Movement
Hassan Zakaria, Activist, Refugees in Libya
Hassan Elatta, Social Worker, United Welsh
Sami Musa, Consultant, CMI Peace Foundation
Nadia Rosales, Activist
Khalid Hassan, Activist, PAWA
Noura Mohamed, Programme Officer, IOM
Caitlan Lloyd, Lawyer, REDRESS
Yassin Firea, Activist, Sudanese Against War
Sara Elhassan, Sudanese Writer and Editor
Sara Linnoinen, International IDEA
Mohammed El-Koubani, Activist, Madaniya SDG
Sara Sinada, Humanitarian worker, Media for Justice in Sudan
Janice Boddy, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Khalid Mustafa Medani, University Professor, McGill University
Mohamed ElHigzi, Regulatory Affairs Pharmacist
Betty Desalegn, Human Rights Organiser, Toronto
Amal Hamdan, Electoral Systems and Legal Frameworks Expert
Adam Burrowes, Political Risk Analyst
Joseph H. Carens, FRSC, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Nada Moumtaz, Academic, University of Toronto
Comfort Udah, Academic, University of Toronto
Omer Ozcan, Academic, University of Toronto
Dickson Eyoh, Academic, University of Toronto
Noha Fikry, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
Angela Dy, Academic at Loughborough University
Randa Abdel-Fattah, Academic and Author, Macquarie University
Caroline Shenaz Hossein, Academic, University of Toronto
Anisha Chadha, Academic, University of Toronto
Lauren Schroeder, Academic, University of Toronto
Krista Maxwell, Academic, University of Toronto
Myrtede Alfred, Academic, University of Toronto
Nadège Compaoré, Academic, University of Toronto
Katherine Patton, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Gerald Rowe, PhD, Academic, Institut National de la Rechereche Scientifique
Andrea S. Allen, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Amahl Bishara, Anthropologist, Tufts University
Deborah Cowen, Professor, University of Toronto
Natalie Rothman, Academic, University of Toronto
Beverley Mullings, Academic, University of Toronto
James Deutsch, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Dr. Ruth Marshall, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Victor Li, Associate Professor (Emeritus), University of Toronto
Sumayya Kassamali, Academic, University of Toronto
Zoë Wool, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Kamari Clarke, Professor, University of Toronto
Amahl Bishara, Professor Abdurrahman Guantai, Academic, Minnesota State University
Farah Elmalik, Academic, Melbourne University
Ahmed H. Ali Advocate, Columbia Law School
Tushabe Tushabe, Professor, Widener University
Jonah Rexer, Economist, Princeton University
May Taha Elroubi, Academic, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Faiza Elhigzi, Sudanese Academic and advocate
Lamees Said, Student, Imperial College London
Samira Harhouf, Student, The London School of Ecnomics
Rachel Goffe, Academic, University of Toronto
Alissa Trotz, Professor, University of Toronto
Sarah Farag, Academic, University of Zurich
Clémentine Teboulle, Academic
Mariah Stember, Academic, Hamilton College
Tasneem Eltohami, Student
Samar Al-Bulushi, UC Irvine
Blair Rutherford, Academic, Carleton University (Canada)
Rebecca Harcourt, Educator, UNSW
Indigo Willing, Sociologist, Griffith University
Alaa Ahmed, Academic, Cornell
Lucilla Lepratti, PhD candidate, University of Bayreuth
Yasmina Martin, Academic
Haney Hamd, Academic
Ahmed Awad Adeel, Academic
Gavin Smith, Professor, University Of Toronto
Rosa Sarabia, Professor Emerita, University of Toronto
Ahmed Bayoumi, Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto
Mohamed Bayoumi, Professor Emeritus, Queen’s University at Kingston
Stephen Rockel, Professor, University of Toronto
Arsalan Kahnemuyipour, Academic, University of Toronto
Anne-Emanuelle Birn, Professor, University of Toronto
Cassandra Hartblay, Academic, University of Toronto
Janice Boddy, Professor Emerita, Universe of Toronto
Rania Salem, Professor, University of Toronto
Agi, Academic, University of Toronto
Nicholas Sammond, Professor of Cinema and Media Studies; Director, Centre for the Study of the United States, University of Toronto
Dr. Rosalind Hampton, Professor of Black Studies, Social Justice Education
Nada El Kouny, Postdoctoral Fellow, AUC
Duha Elmardi, Graduate Student, Concordia University
Whitnee Garrett-Walker, Scholar, University of Toronto, OISE
Ayan Mohamed, Academic
Seulgie Lim, Assistant Professor, Bates College
Hannah Muzee, Academic, AAPRP
Scott Burnett, Academic, Pennsylvania State University
Nanre Nafziger, Academic, Scholar-Activist
Safaa Ramadan, Psychotherapist
Bradley Troupe, Healthcare worker
Viktoria Stelikou, Clinical Psychologist
Mai Abdalla, Doctor
Nada Salih, Doctor
Farah Ahmed, Support worker
Moses Kubai, Healthcare professional
Michelle Aurora, Bookkeeper
Azza Mohamed, Doctor
Lauren Fedt, Healthcare Worker
Mahgoub Kamal Mahgoub Mohamed Ali, Lab Technician
Maysoun Mustafa, Scientist
Ibtihalat Abdelmagid Mohamed, Doctor
Deborah Chat Dauda, Researcher, LEPA Initiative
Edward Thomas, Research, RVI
Shaimaa, Doctor, NHS
Abdelrahman, Doctor, WHO
Mariam Abdelwahab, Mental health therapist, The Heart Leaf
Arwa A, Interpreter, MNSW
Rayan Mohamed, Interpreter
Zeinab Yousif, Lawyer
Zeinab Yousif, Lawyer
Inesse, Lawyer
Adisalem Gebremedhin, Researcher
Kara Johnston, Molina International, Civil Servant
Vanessa Poncia, Solicitor, UK
Kevin Griffith, Buddhist Monk, Triratna Buddhist Order
Nazim Ibrahim, Coordinator
Nixon Otinya, Peace Practitioner
Samar Mustafa, Educator
Lekhani Chirwa, Freelance Youth Worker/Creative Facilitator, Anti Racist Cumbria
Tayo Odesanya, Director
Coco Mariano, Graphic Designer, Sustainable Concordia
Brett Cox, Internal Coordinator, Sustainable Concordia
Sam Tadros, Senior Production Planner, Movement
Azza Ali, Support worker
Samrawit Gebru, Administration
Tasneem Hijazi, Pharmacy Assistant, Wilfrid Laurier University
Azza Abuseif, Non-Profit Executive
Leena Shibeika, Urban Researcher
Lubna Karim, Public Relations consultant, Saudi
Murphy Bannerman, Government Affairs, WRA
Amanuel Berhane Mekonen, Student
Tanya Abdalla, Educator
Amira Hassan, Teacher and Researcher
Alexander Leon, LGBTQ+ Activist
Robert Prazeres, PhD student
Matilda Dixon-Smith, Author
Saima Ferdows, TV Producer
Nour Khairi, Media Producer
Alison Evans, Author
Elisa Aseva, Author, Weissbooks
Sara Jafari, Editor and Author
Nancy Elgadi, Editor
Farzana, Writer /Director
Sara Yassi, Writer
Shailja Patel, Writer
Fatin Abbas, Writer, MIT
Kahini Mutsuddi, Media
Tilly Lawless, Writer
Mariam Khan, Journalist at MyLondon
Francisco Lopez, Journalist, F+K
Amon Warmann, Film Journalist
Tom Claes, Journalist
Augustine Passilly, Independent Journalist
Leila Belhadj Mohamed, Freelance Journalist
Marianne Dhenin, Independent Journalist
Cris Robertson, Communications Consultant at Karoo Youth
Afia Abusham, Artist and Activist at Madaniya.sdg
Dr Faiza El-Higzi, Academic and Advocate
Alexander Darby, Software Engineer
Yasmin Akasha, Sustainability Consultant & Engineer, Buro Happold, UK
Marwan Elgendi, Engineer
Shinu Antony, Software Engineer
Abdulrahman Eissa, Software Engineer
Ibrahim Hussein Ibrahim Aljunde, Diesel Engineer
Matt Lazaridis, IT worker, Socialist Activist
Muhammad Farjad Malik, Engineer
Samahdr Badawi Abdalla, Sudanese Engineer
Yasmin Osman, Behavioural Scientist
Adam Berryhill, Data Scientist
Sarah Berryhill, Marketer
Rua Taha, Engineer
Perihane Allam, Freelancer
Olu Ada, Freelancer
Mohamed Abdel Salam, Researcher
Ahmed Abdulbagi Ismail Ahmed, Engineer
Sultan El-Nager, Sudanese IT Manager
Abdalaziz Khairi, Radiochemist, Curium Pharma
Leena Kheir, Interdisciplinary creator, designer and writer
Sali mudawi, Photographer
Mads Oliver, Vet Nurse
Arwa Ramadan, Graphic designer
Sara Abdelgalil, Pediatric Consultant
AbdulKuddus Zhyldyzbek, Student, Kyrgyz Republic
Rahaf, Student
Alana Duggan, PhD candidate
Sarra Elgalal, Student
Selma Mohamed, Student
Monira , Student
Layla Elkoulily, Student
Gaeda Khalid Senien, Undergraduate Student, Lund University
Ireny Nabil, MA Student
Sitnour Adam, Student at Griffith University
Seychelle Gabriel, Actor
Sagirah Shahid, Poet, Mizna
Feaven Abera, Actor, The Table
Jonelle Twum, Cultural worker
Trad Alroweilly
Sveva Vittoria Scenarelli
Isaac Seymour
Hayfa Mathlouthi
Gnebe Awa
Yousra Samir
Salma Kandil
Hala Abdelnabi
Fatima Makki
Khaldah Salih
Taysir Elhadi
Chris Essombe
Aliah Salih
Mahjoub Derar
Mairi Campbell
Sara Osman
Samah Ali
Ali Abdalatif
Dana S.
Hannah Babiker
Daniel McLaughlin
Venus Abduallah
Heather Chambers
Anne Julie Lemieux
Leon Felix Russo
Aaraf Adam
Hameeda Hasniya Raahat
Maria Elias
Sarah Elansari
Andrew Kassir
Karen Wells
Ekram Subhi
Remaz Abdelgader
Megan Halla
Hind Said
Julian Schneider
Zainab Isaac noor
Lina Babiker
Asgad Alhur
Aisha Hassanein
Lowlowa Mohamed
AbdAllah AbdElrahman
Reem Abutalib
Bassil Wali
Shaima Ibrahim
Dale Raven North
Wisam Gangari
Rayan Mohamed
Mohammed Bahari
Amanda Randone
Rana Saeed
Perihane Allam
dhananjay dar
Yusra Abbas
Khalda El Jack
Layla Gabir
Abusabeeb Elsadig
Abdurrahman Izhac
Hajir Yousif Saeed
Islam Eltohami
Claudia Schmidt
Stefanie Renata Limnios
Ayat Salih
Amna Alaqib
Theresia Kneschke
Eman Elnour Mustafa