Day 105 of the Military Coup
Summary of Events
Teachers in Red Sea State have announced a complete strike starting today, demanding pay raises and the improvement of the learning/teaching environment in schools and institutions.
In West Kordofan, residents barricaded main roads in Keilak, Moglad and Babanosa demanding access to potable water and electricity, as well as paved roads.
In Zalingei, Central Darfur, a total shutdown of the main market took place today.
Protesters today temporarily removed the barricade at Dongola-Arqeen portion the Sudan-Egypt highway to allow trucks to pass before a complete shutdown is put in effect until all demands are met. A reminder that the Northern State Farmers Association declared a total shutdown of the state yesterday in response to #SudanCoup's refusal to meet protesters' demands. Meanwhile, the Northern State Security Committee ordered the removal of all barricades along Sudan-Egypt highway today.
All of these activities are part of a nationwide escalation of resistance against #SudanCoup, including #Feb7March, set to take place tomorrow. It will be the 17th round of nationwide mass demonstrations against military rule since October 25.
In a final bit of good news, women's rights activist and leader of the No to Women's Oppression Initiative Amira Osman was released today after being unlawfully held by #SudanCoup authorities since January 23.