Day 105 of the Military Coup

Summary of Events

  • Teachers in Red Sea State have announced a complete strike starting today, demanding pay raises and the improvement of the learning/teaching environment in schools and institutions.

  • In West Kordofan, residents barricaded main roads in Keilak, Moglad and Babanosa demanding access to potable water and electricity, as well as paved roads.

  • In Zalingei, Central Darfur, a total shutdown of the main market took place today.

  • Protesters today temporarily removed the barricade at Dongola-Arqeen portion the Sudan-Egypt highway to allow trucks to pass before a complete shutdown is put in effect until all demands are met. A reminder that the Northern State Farmers Association declared a total shutdown of the state yesterday in response to #SudanCoup's refusal to meet protesters' demands. Meanwhile, the Northern State Security Committee ordered the removal of all barricades along Sudan-Egypt highway today.

  • All of these activities are part of a nationwide escalation of resistance against #SudanCoup, including #Feb7March, set to take place tomorrow. It will be the 17th round of nationwide mass demonstrations against military rule since October 25.

  • In a final bit of good news, women's rights activist and leader of the No to Women's Oppression Initiative Amira Osman was released today after being unlawfully held by #SudanCoup authorities since January 23.

Further Reading


Day 106 of the Military Coup


Day 104 of the Military Coup