Day 97 of the Military Coup

Summary of Events

  • The country is gearing up for #Jan30March - the 16th round of nationwide mass demonstrations against military rule since Burhan & Co. took over the transitional government on October 25.

  • Protests calling for participation took place in several cities around Sudan, including Gedarif, Kassala, Kosti, Atbara and Khartoum. In response, the Khartoum State Security Council has banned protests in Central Khartoum, despite affirming citizens' right to protest. Resistance Committees of Khartoum 1 and 2 have directed protesters to head to the presidential palace (central Khartoum); it remains to be seen how authorities will react to that.

  • The Acting Minister of Religious Endowments appointed by Burhan has reinstated the Holy Quran Society. The organization was one of the main staples of the Bashir regime; its assets, which were previously confiscated by the anti-corruption/empowerment dismantling committee, were returned to the acting minister. As Nada Ali’s Twitter post mentioned, "This society [...] owned a vast variety of assets including a tv channel, 2 newspapers, real-estates and a gold mine. [The] Bashir regime funneled million of dollars into this society and it was a recruitment and radicalization tool."

  • Is anyone still deluded or confused about Burhan's motives or where his allegiance lies?


Day 98 of the Military Coup


Day 96 of the Military Coup